Peter J. Vikesland
Nick Prillaman Professor
Peter J. Vikesland

415 Durham Hall
Blacksburg, VA, USA 24061
Mail Code: (0246)
Program Area : Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Personal Homepage :
Professional Registration : EIT (Iowa)
Areas of Interest
Nanomaterials in the environment, Improved sensors for drinking water treatment.
- B.A. Grinnell College, Chemistry, 1993
- M.S. The University of Iowa, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1995
- Ph.D. The University of Iowa, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1998
- Gastprofessor (Visiting Professor), ETH Zurich (2017)
- Virginia Tech College of Engineering Dean's Award for Excellence in Research (2017)
- Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2016)
- Environmental Science and Technology "Super Reviewer" Award (2015)
- UPS Foundation Visiting Associate Professor, Stanford University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2012)
- University of Iowa Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Richard L. Valentine Distinguished Lecturer (2012)
- Environmental Science and Technology Excellence in Review Award (2012)
- Virginia Tech College of Engineering Faculty Fellow (2006-2009)
- Advisor to Krista Rule Wigginton, 2nd Place Best Dissertation Award American Water Works Association (2010)
- NSF CAREER Awardee (2004-2009)
- Invited Participant at the National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Symposium (2003)
- ASCE Excellence in Civil Engineering Education (ExCEEd) Fellow (2002)
- First Place - American Water Works Association (AWWA) Dissertation Award (2000)
- Honorable Mention - Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Dissertation Award (1999)
- American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry Graduate Student Paper Award (1999)
- American Water Works Association Abel Wolman Doctoral Fellowship (1996-1998)
- American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry Graduate Student Award (1997)
- CEE 3104: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
- CEE 4114: Fundamentals of Public Health Engineering
- CEE 5104: Environmental Chemistry
- CEE 6984: (FALL 2018) Nanotechnology for Environmental Sustainability
- Quantification of the pH of Aerosol Droplets via Nanoprobe Based Sensing, PI, awarded by the National Science Foundation, 2017-2020
- PIRE: Halting Environmental Antimicrobial Resistance Dissemination (HEARD), PI, awarded by the National Science Foundation, 2015-2020.
- Controlled Evaluation of Nanoparticle Dissolution Using Atomic Force Microscopy, PI, awarded by the National Science Foundation, 2014-2017.
- Collaborative Research: Fate, Transport, and Organismal Uptake of Rod-Shaped Nanomaterials, PI, awarded by the National Science Foundation, 2013-2016. Collaborative project with N. Saleh (U. Texas-Austin) and C. Murphy (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign).
- Inkjet Imprinted Paper for Poliovirus Detection and Differentiation, PI, awarded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2011-2012.
- CAREER: Formation and Reactivity of Nanoscale Corrosion Products –An Integrated Research and Education Plan. Funded by US National Science Foundation.
- Metch, J.W.; Burrows, N.D.; Murphy, C.J.; Pruden, A.; and Vikesland, P.J. (2018) "Metagenomic Analysis of Microbial Communities Yields Insight into Impacts of Nanoparticle Design". Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, pp. 253-259. (
- Wei, H.; Vejerano, E.P.; Leng, W.; Huang, Q.; Willner, M.R.; Marr, L.C.; and Vikesland P.J. (2018). "Aerosol Microdroplets Exhibit a Stable pH Gradient" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 115, pp. 7272-7277. (
- Vikesland, P.J. (2018). "Nanosensors for Water Quality Monitoring" Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, pp. 651-660. (
- Vikesland, P.J.; Pruden, A.; Alvarez, P.J.J.; Aga, D.; Bürgmann, H.; Li, X.-D.; Manaia, C.; Nambi, I.; Wigginton, K.; Zhang, T.; and Zhu, Y.-G. (2017). "Toward a Comprehensive Strategy to Mitigate Dissemination of Environmental Sources of Antibiotic Resistance". Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 51, pp. 13061-13069 (
- Pati, P.; McGinnis, S.; and Vikesland, P.J. (2014). "Life Cycle Assessment of "Green" Nanoparticle Synthesis Method." Environmental Engineering Science, Vol. 31, pp. 410-420.
- Kent, R.; Oser, J.; and Vikesland, P.J. (2014). "Controlled Evaluation of Silver Nanoparticle Sulfidation in a Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plant." Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 48, pp. 8564-8572.
- Vikesland, P.; Fiss, E.M.; Wigginton, K.R.; McNeill, K.; and Arnold, W.A. (2013). "Halogenation of Bisphenol-A, Triclosan, and Chlorophenols in Chlorinated Waters Containing Iodide." Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 47, pp. 6764-6772.
- Halvorson, R.; Leng, W.; and Vikesland, P.J. (2011). "Microcystin, Nodularin, and Component Amino Acid Identification by Drop Coating Deposition Raman Spectroscopy" Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 83, pp. 9273-9280.
- Halvorson, R. and Vikesland, P.J. (2010). "Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) for Environmental Analyses." Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 44, pp. 7749-7755.