Research Laboratories

Applied Interdisciplinary Research on Flow Systems (AIRFlowS) Lab
In the AIRFlowS lab we study a wide range of environmental, geophysical, and biological flow systems that are diverse in nature, scale, and physics.
Air Quality Lab
A dedicated Air Quality Laboratory contains equipment for precise control and measurement of gas characteristics. This equipment includes mass-flow controllers and pressure, flow, and temperature measurement devices. Two flexible automated data acquisition systems are used to control experimental parameters and collect and record data during investigations.
Air Transportation Systems Laboratory
The ATSL provides strong analytical capabilities of air transportation issues to its sponsors. The ATSL staff is comprised of professors, research scientists, research associates, post doctorates, doctoral students and master students.
Kelso Baker Environmental Hydraulics Lab
Studying processes pertaining to the movement and interaction of water, sediment, vegetation, nutrients, contaminates, and manmade structures and machines in fluvial and estuarine systems - including both surface and groundwater.
Structural Materials and Engineering Materials Laboratory
The laboratory includes a wide range of structural and materials testing equipment that can be used to conduct experimental research on full-scale structural components and conduct performance evaluations of civil engineering materials
Occoquan Watershed Monitoring Laboratory
Serves as an unbiased source of scientific monitoring and information for the nation’s first deliberate indirect potable reuse program
W.C. English Geotechnical Research Laboratory
State-of-the-art experimental research and teaching laboratory facilities.
Prices Fork Geotechnical Lab
The Instrumented Retaining Wall Facility has been developed to study both the factors that control the magnitudes of earth pressures induced by compaction and the influences that wall movements have on earth pressures