Employer Connection
Career Fair Banner Photo. A picture of two people: An employer and prospective hire having a discussion.

Are you looking to connect with Virginia Tech Civil Engineering students? We are so glad you are interested in engaging with our students! Opportunities and resources are listed below. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Kara Lattimer, Alumni & Industry Engagement, karalatt@vt.edu.
Each semester, the Department holds a Career Fair for companies to attend and recruit civil and environmental engineering students. Any Virginia Tech student is welcome to attend, so if your company has an interest in other majors in addition to civil engineers, we are happy to invite them!
This event generally happens in October and February of each year. Registration opens in May for the fall event and in December for the spring event. Registration for both spring and fall generally fill pretty quickly. If your firm is interested in these events, it is important to note the registration dates and times for these events. You can find the events on HANDSHAKE, which is a common platform used by career centers all over the country. If you have any questions or cannot find the event listed in Handshake, please reach out to Kara Lattimer, karalatt@vt.edu for additional information.
The Spring CEE Career Fair will be held on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 at the INN at Virginia Tech. Registration will open on Friday, December 13th at NOON (EST) via Handshake.
Please note that you must have Handshake account in order to register, so please plan accordingly and secure your account in advance if you do not have one. You can learn more about Handshake here: https://career.vt.edu/job-search/Handshake.html
If you would like to receive email communication regarding our career events, please let us know here: CEE Career Event Emails
If you would like to communicate any full-time, part-time, internship, or co-op positions available with your company to CEE students at VT, we will be glad to share these with our students. Please email vtceecareer@vt.edu to share these opportunities with our students. Your job posting will be available to our students for 90 days.
If you would like to list a position for our alumni, please visit VT Alumni Job Listings. On this page you are welcome to post positions that require experience. Note that this job board is not limited to civil engineering.
The link here is a compilation of data from the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the U.S. Bureau of Labor, and the VT Career & Professional Development’s Post Graduation Salary Survey.
Salary Information for Civil Engineering BSCE graduates.
If you have any questions about these data, please contact Kara Lattimer, karalatt@vt.edu.