Current Graduate Students
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Virginia Tech Graduate School Information
Graduate Student Information
- Graduate Policies and Procedures Manual (Departmental)
- Graduate Catalog
- Program Area Specific Information
- Structural Engineering and Materials
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Transportation Infrastructure and Systems Engineering
- Construction Engineering and Management
- Environmental And Water Resources Engineering:
- Sustainable Land Development
Paperwork to Complete Degree :
Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Fundamentals of Engineering Exam information for Graduate Students - you can find information here about applying for the FE exam.
Graduate Fellowships and Awards
Departmental Student Forms
Plan of study:
Plan of study examples:
How do I force-add?
Graduate students force-add classes like all other students. The CEE force-add is done through an electronic request system found at If you are requesting a 1, 2, 3 or 4000 level class, use the undergraduate request. If you need to request a 5, 6, or 7000 level, use the graduate section of the force-add. Force-adds should be requested when you cannot register yourself for a class you need to take. Force-add from other departments should be made through their main office. (CEE only does force adding for CEE classes). How do I get proof of my registration this semester? The university has a feature in Hokie SPA for this. Go to Hokie SPA, Transcripts and Certification Menu, Request Enrollment Verification Certificate, and then follow the instructions.
How do I register for my research?
Graduate students in the CEE department are asked to register for research with a particular faculty member. If your faculty member does not have a CRN for your type of hours, please contact the department and a CRN will be created. Be sure to sign up for the right level and kind of research for your degree. Ask the CEE Graduate Student Coordinator if you have questions. Also, since research is a “variable hours” class, when you initially register, the system will only register you for one (1) credit hour. You need a second step. After your one hour is showing on your registration, click the blue link for the hours, change to the correct amount and submit. Contact the CEE Graduate Student Coordinator if you have problems or questions.
I am trying to register for a class that my faculty wants me to take, but I am getting a note that it is restricted. What can I do?
Sometimes a graduate student will get an “hour’s restriction notice” or a “pre-req restriction” and cannot register for a particular class. Please use the force-add system to ask for this class, in most cases, we can put you in the class. Graduate students sometimes have major restrictions that prevent them from registering too. If it is a class that you will need for your plan of study, indicate that information in your online force-add request. How do I take an independent study (CEE 5974)? You and your advisor should discuss the details of an independent study first. A request form must be completed (the form can be obtained in the main office). Once the form is complete with signatures, the main office staff will register you for the independent study class. Contact the CEE Graduate Student Coordinator for more information.
Can an independent study be on my plan of study? Yes. Independent studies at the graduate level can only be taken with a P/F grading mode. Since they are only offered in one grading mode, they can be on the plan of study. There are limits to how many hours of independent study can be on a plan of study. Please check the guidelines in the Graduate School catalog.
How do I take a class online?
Some of our classes are now being taught online. Please be sure to sign up for the CRN corresponding to the campus you are already assigned to. If you do not sign up correctly you could have problems with your billing and problems with your campus at a later date. Please contact the main office if you have questions about CEE classes on the timetable.
How can I verify that a change has been made to my schedule?
Whether you or a university employee makes changes to your schedule, you should double check it online. Errors in entry and systems errors can occur. If you have double checked by looking at your current schedule, then problems can be taken care of quickly. I need a letter from the department that states I am a student in good standing. Who can write that letter? Graduate students should contact their primary advisor for letters of this nature. Please do not ask the main office or other staff members to type such a letter. Your advisor works closest with you and is expected to provide you with this letter when appropriate. If your advisor has questions, he/she can contact the CEE Graduate Student Coordinator. Occasionally a letter can be provided by the graduate program staff, but it is rare. When is my plan of study due? Plan of study guidelines can be found in our (Departmental) Policies and Procedures Manual. Email reminders will be sent to the CEE graduate listserv. Original plans of study should be turned into the CEE Graduate Student Coordinator by the deadlines.
How do I transfer credit from another university for my graduate degree?
A graduate student may transfer credit from another university in accordance with the Graduate School and departmental guidelines (See the Graduate Policies and Procedures ManualDepartmental) and with the approval of the student’s committee. The transfer credit must be graduate level and be a “B” or better. An official transcript with the class and grade must be given to Virginia Tech. The transfer credit exists on the student’s plan of study and does not typically go on the VT transcript. I have an approved plan of study, but I need to make a change. How do I do that? A “change to the plan of study” form can be found on the Graduate School website: Look for forms. Please be sure that you are still within the guidelines before you attempt a change. This form should only be used if you are making a change to research or a class. If you are making a change to your committee, please use the “change of committee” form. After you fill out the forms and get all the faculty signatures, then you should bring the form to the CEE Graduate Student Coordinator who will sign the form last. You DO NOT need the department head to sign this form. If the CEE Graduate Student Coordinator is on vacation, ask the main office for whom to contact.
Many forms ask for a Department Head signature. I heard I don’t always need to get his signature. Is that true?
In the CEE department, most forms are signed by the CEE Graduate Student Coordinator instead of the Department Head. ALL forms can be and should be signed by the coordinator except a select few. Please obtain your committee or advisor’s signature(s) before bringing the form to the CEE Graduate Student Coordinator. Forms signed by the CEE Graduate Student Coordinator include common forms like: Plan of Study Change Change of Committee Change of Thesis Option Certification of Start of Semester Defense Exception I need to schedule a room in Patton Hall. How can I do that? Please look at the availability on your own first. Go to, under quick links you can find the calendars for our department. Once you have checked the availability, contact your program area staff member or the main office to make a reservation. Our main conference room is 200K and our other conference room is 219. Other rooms listed are classrooms. Do not assume that all the equipment that you need is in the room you have scheduled.
How do I schedule the use of departmental equipment?
You will need to put in a helpdesk request for equipment and instruction of equipment. Go to, under quick links you can find the helpdesk for our department.
How do I get help with using departmental equipment or if I am having trouble with a CEE computer?
Please put in a helpdesk ticket to get help with departmental equipment or a CEE computer. Please give as much notice as possible for the equipment instruction. Go to, under quick links you can find the helpdesk for our department. I need to buy some software. How can I go about getting software? Please contact the Software Distribution Center on Torgersen Bridge, If it for departmental use and you need a form of payment from the department, go to your area secretary and get an IRS first.
How can I use the wireless service at VT?
As a registered student all you need to do is register for the service. How can I find out about job postings? We post jobs on our website and we have employer events. Please find the “Employer Connection” section of our website here: I need a computer but the computer lab is being used for a class. Where can I use a computer? There is an overflow lab across from the computer lab on the third floor of Patton Hall. You may also go to the library, Torgersen Bridge or math emporium.
- Graduate Student Assembly
- Graduate Student Council
- Construction Management Association of American
- Virginia Tech student chapter of North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT)
- Chi Epsilon
- Geotechnical Student Organization
- Engineers Without Borders
- ATES: The Alliance of Transportation Engineering Students, which encorporates ITE: VT’s student chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers and ARTBA: VT’s student chapter of the American Road & Transportation Builders Association
Please visit the graduate school website at to find academic forms and required paperwork.