Doran Bosso
(B.S. '06, M.S. '08), CEO Purple Line Transit Partners

Doran J. Bosso is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Purple Line Transit Partners, which is a company responsible for overseeing the construction and coordinating with the state, contractor and local stakeholders of the Purple Line. It is a 16 mile new light rail system through Montgomery and Prince George’s County in Maryland, just north of Washington, D.C. connecting many existing DC Metro, bus and rail stations.
The project is being delivered by Public-Private Partnership, where the private sector has a contract with the State of Maryland to design, build, finance, operate, and maintain (DBFOM) the system. Bosso studied Public Private Partnerships for his master’s thesis with Mike Garvin at Virginia Tech and has been doing these types of projects since his graduation. He began working with the Purple Line team in 2019 and has worked closely with the state of Maryland. He will be responsible for overseeing the financing, managing the construction of the track, stations and the production of the vehicles. Once operations begin, his his team will operate the light rail system for 30 years. Bosso noted that, as of June 2022, construction has an expected 4.5 year schedule and over $2 billion of work.
Bosso graduated with a bachelor’s degree in civil and environmental engineering in 2006 and a master’s in 2008. He was awarded the Distinguished Young Alumnus of the Vecellio Construction Engineering Management Program in 2011 and the civil and environmental engineering Outstanding Young Alumni award in 2016. He also returns to campus regularly to serve as a guest lecturer for graduate level courses in construction engineering and management.