Via Report - Structural Engineering and Materials

The SEM group welcomed Adam Phillips, who conducts research related to net-negative carbon housing, bridge retrofit, and steel-timber hybrid structures. The group team-taught an exciting “Bridges, Builders and Society” class in the spring of 2023 for which the students traveled to Europe to visit unique bridges built by some of the world’s most famous engineers. Carin Roberts-Wollmann and Roberto Leon lead the group of 14 students to see sites in Italy, Austria, and Switzerland. Outside of classes, the SEM group has maintained a robust research program related to protecting structures from a wide range of hazards. Eric Jacques and Matt Eatherton continued their work developing fiber-reinforced polymer retrofit techniques for reinforced concrete diaphragms. Jacques also began a new VDOT-funded study with other CEE colleagues to study the deepest buried multi-cell precast box culverts in the United States. Scott Case is exploring a variety of topics related to fiber-reinforced composite materials including thermal damage, electromagnetic applications, fatigue life, and their use in space exploration cryotanks. Monica Arul is developing computational tools for enhancing disaster preparedness, early warning, and recovery after wind disasters as well as investigating facade performance during extreme wind events. Rodrigo Sarlo has expanded his work on artificial intelligence (AI) assisted bridge inspections, is investigating how mistrust of AI could impact the effectiveness of collaborative inspections, and is developing a prototype augmented reality interface for crack documentation. Ioannis Koutromanos continues to develop computational tools for simulation of structures subjected to coupled mechanical, thermal, porous flow, and chemical reactions, as well as research into retrofit strategies for reinforced concrete shear walls.