Undergraduate Research
There are many ways to become involved with research at Virginia Tech. Opportunities may simply appear, but there is no direct match for student to interest. It is your responsibility to secure an opportunity. If you are interested in a specific topic or subject, you will need to find the people who are studying that topic. With the wealth of diversity and faculty interests within the College of Engineering and to make available information thereof to all interested and concerned parties.
- Review the faculty website profiles for the CEE faculty members. In each profile, there is a section titled “Areas of Interest” which describes a bit about the work interests of each faculty member.
- Use the College of Engineering’s Faculty Expertise Guide to help you in location the specific interests of people outside the CEE department.
- Review the information on the University’s Office of Undergraduate Research. Unique opportunities and contacts may be available through the avenue.
Approval forms are needed for undergraduate research and independent. All information must be completed legibly and submitted to Ms. Lattimer for review. It is especially important that information is attached providing a description of the study as indicated on the form.