Student Spotlight: Brayden Schiller

Brayden Schiller (’22) is a recent graduate of civil and environmental He will be continuing for a graduate degree in environmental and water resources. Read more about CEE's student spotlight:
Where are you from?
I am from Laguna Niguel, California, which is a beach city about an hour north of San Diego and an hour south of Los Angeles.
What made you choose to come to Virginia Tech?
I just instantly felt at home once I toured the campus and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. In fact, I am staying for graduate school in environmental and water resources.
What is your area of study?
I am focusing on Water Resources specifically within fluvial systems.
Why do you want to be a civil engineer?
I like the ability to work on large scale projects and the direct effect that the projects had on helping society.
What is your dream job?
My dream job at the moment would be to work on a stream restoration team.
What was your favorite class?
I cannot name one, but some are the following: Open Channel Flow, Sustainable Land Development, Coastal Marine Geotechnics, and Water Resources Engineering
What clubs and activities were you part of at Virginia Tech?
I was part of so many clubs. Too many to name, but I also started my own club – the Line Dancing Club at Virginia Tech.
What are your favorite activities in Blacksburg?
I love football games, late nights with my friends, and being a teaching assistant for the water resources lab. I love to have bonfires by the New River and I love to go line dancing in Roanoke.